Skíðasvæði Tindastóls

The following is a collection of images, social media postings and video content collected during the 2021/22 ski season. This collection was all taken at the Tindastoll Ski area in North West iceland near Sauðárkrókur. During this season we experienced higher winds than usual which top lift terrain access limited but when the weather settled conditions were exceptional and views speak for themselves.


Instagram Reels

With the introduction of TikTok, social media has taken a change to short video formats as people scroll faster and content is viewed more quickly.


6k Views - 210 Likes

5k Views - 180 Likes

18k Views - 800 Likes

18k Views - 800 Likes

6k Views - 190 Likes


Image Collection

A small collection of top quality images from a 3 month period with the resort. The images have been used through social media and as print materials to decorate the resort accomodations in small and large formats.


Posting Schedule

The following gallery is a posting schedule created with the intentions of informing our audience of 2 specific items which were the details of the new backcountry sessions offering, and an insight into our ski & snowboard instructor programs.